CUFONSM Verified Documents Directory:

34th Air Division (Defense) Regulation No. 200-1
Intelligence: Reporting of Information on UFOs, Dated 9 May 1952

1957 CIA memo on a UFO detection
Memo dated 21 Sep 1957 - radar detection of a UFO over New York.

4602d AISS Unit History - CUFON Document Sampler No.1  -  4602smpl.ZIP
Sampler of items from unit history of the 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron

5004th AISS Unit History - CUFON Document Sampler No.3
Sampler of items from unit history of the 5004th Air Intelligence Service Squadron

Air Force Letter (AFL) 200-5 - UFO reporting requirements before AFR 200-2
AFL 200-5 PDF version

Air Force Manual 55-11 (AFM 55-11)
Operations - USAF Operational Reporting System - 20 May 1968

Air Force Regulation (AFR) 55-88  -  AFR 55-88.ZIP
Operations: CIRVIS: 13 May 1966

Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 26 October 1968  -  AFR 80-17.ZIP
USAF Regulation AFR 80-17 -  Replaced AFR 200-2 in September, 1966.

Air Force Regulation (AFR) 200-2 12 Aug 1954  -  AFR 200-2.ZIP
The famous Air Force Regulation 200-2

Air Force Regulation (AFR) 200-3
PDF - Reporting Vital Sightings from Aircraft 2 Jul 1952 & 13 May 1955

Air Force Regulation (AFR 205-1) dated 15 Dec 1953
Security: Safeguarding Military Information, 15 Dec 1953
PDF - in 2 parts  -  PART 1  -  PART 2
HTML version   -  AFR 205-1.ZIP

Air Force Regulation (AFR) 205-2 dated 19 May 1955
Security Laws, Executive Orders Etc. Pertaining to Safeguarding Military Info 19 May 1955
PDF - AFR 205-2.PDF
HTML version  -  AFR 205-2.ZIP

1947 German Letter mentioning Roswell  -  AHUIS.ZIP
Letter to American Ambassador same month as Roswell crash

1952 CIA UFO documents - CUFON Document Sampler No.2
Sampler of UFO-related 1952 released CIA documents
HTML in 2 parts  -  Part 1   Part 2

USAF 1956 Air Intelligence Digest article - René Couzinet  -  COUZINET.ZIP
Feb 1956 A I D article on René Couzinet’s Circular Planform VTOL

CUFON Document Sampler No.4  -  CUFONsmpl4.ZIP
UFO-related Extracts from 4 USAF publications

Executive Order (EO) 12356  -  EO 12356.ZIP
EO 12356 National Security Information - 6 Apr 1982

Executive Order (EO) 12937  -
EO 12937 - Declassification of Selected Records Within the Archives of the United States

Executive Order 12958
EO 12958 - National Security Information - supercedes EO 12356

FBI file - Dr. James McDonald
Federal Bureau of Investigation files on investigations of Dr. James McDonald

The Flying Disc - 1952 USAF Air Intelligence Digest
1954 AID article: The Flying Disc on A.V. Roe Co. projects
Includes a related Office of Naval Intelligence document

1953 USAF Air Technical Iintelligence Center Guide to UFO reporting
PDF  -  ATIC Guide: How to Make FLYOBRPTS

 Interrogatories from Frederick M. Olsen v. NSA lawsuit  -  FMOVNSA.ZIP
Text of interrogatories and UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions

FBI document - Freedom Of Information Act exemptions  -  FOIA_EX.ZIP
Meanings of deletion codes on FOIA documents

US Army Intelligence SOP for Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit requests  -  FOIASOP.ZIP
Army FOIA SOP document for FOIA requests for IPU information

Official documents mentioning Foo Fighters during WWII
Text of several official WWII documents mentioning Foo-Fighters or like phenomena

General Accounting Office report on search for Roswell records  -  GAO.ZIP
GAO report to Rep, Steven Schiff (R NM) re search for "Roswell Incident" records

Summary of what several agencies told GAO about "MJ12"
Part of "Government Records: Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, NM"

JANP146C - 1954 Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 146(C) CIRVIS
Communication Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings 10 Mar 1954

JANAP-146E - 1966 Canadian - US CIRVIS Instruction  -  JANAP 146E.ZIP

JANAP-146E - 1977  Canadian - US CIRVIS Instruction  -  jJANAP 145E-2.ZIP
Canadian - US Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings - Change 2

FBI Investigation of the "MJ-12 papers"
FBI investigation of possible release of classified information: the MJ-12 briefing paper

Kinross AFB F-89C Aircraft Mishap Report - 23 Nov 1953
USAF Safety Agency Mishap Report on the famous Kinross missing plane case

Kennedy Space Center NASA Management Instruction KMI 8610.4  -  KMI8610.ZIP
KMI 8610.4 - Processing Reports of Sightings of Space Vehicle Fragments

MOGUL - Report of Air Force Research Regarding the "Roswell Incident"  -
"Final Air Force report related to the Roswell matter, for the GAO, or any other inquiries"

MOON DUST Reporting - USAF Intelligence Guidance Collection Letter No.4, 25 April 1961
Document providing project Moon DUST reporting

NORAD Instruction 35-17  -  N135-17.ZIP
NORAD Instruction 35-17  Processing Requests for NORAD Records

A Preliminary Study of Unidentified Targets Observed on Air Traffic Control Radar
CIVIL AERONAUTICS ADMIN. Technical Development -Report No, 180, May 1953
HTML version  -  PDF version

USAF Scientific Advisory Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book  -  OBRIEN.ZIP
"Special Report" of the 1966 O'Brien Committee

Report of Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects  -  ROBERT.ZIP
Report of Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs 14-18 Jan 1953 - "Robertson Panel"

Robertson Panel - 1956 DOD restatement of Panel proceedings and conclusions
1956 Department of Defense Restatement of Proceedings and Conclusions of the Robertson Panel

Project SILVERBUG - Air Technical Intelligence Center Technical Report 15-Feb-1955
A. V. Roe, Canada, Ltd. proposed development project (probably Project Y2.)
PDF  -  Project Silver Bug Report  -  HTML  -  SILVERBUG.ZIP

Text of several State Deprtment UFO reports reviewed and released 7 Feb 2000
PDF  -  State Dept UFO Reports, 1973-1994  -  HTML  -  STATERPTS.ZIP

Seven Status Reports for Project Stork

CUFON "Legacy"
Freedom of Information Act Documents 

FOIA.DIR  -  Freedom of Information Act Documents Directory file.

FOIA documents 1 - 5
FOIA documents 6 - 10
FOIA documents 11 - 15
FOIA documents 16 - 20
FOIA documents 21 - 25
FOIA documents 26 - 30
FOIA documents 31 - 35
FOIA documents 36 - 40
FOIA documents 41 - 45
FOIA documents 46 - 50
FOIA documents 51 - 55
FOIA documents 56 - 59


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