CUFONSM Verified Documents Directory: |
34th Air Division (Defense) Regulation No. 200-1 1957 CIA memo on a UFO detection 4602d AISS Unit History - CUFON Document
Sampler No.1 -
4602smpl.ZIP 5004th AISS Unit History - CUFON Document
Sampler No.3 Air Force Letter (AFL) 200-5
- UFO reporting requirements before AFR 200-2 Air Force Manual 55-11
(AFM 55-11) Air Force Regulation (AFR) 55-88
AFR 55-88.ZIP Air Force Regulation (AFR)
80-17 26 October 1968 -
AFR 80-17.ZIP
Air Force Regulation (AFR) 200-2
12 Aug 1954 -
AFR 200-2.ZIP
Air Force Regulation (AFR) 200-3 Air Force Regulation (AFR 205-1) dated 15 Dec 1953 Air Force Regulation (AFR) 205-2 dated 19 May 1955
1947 German Letter mentioning Roswell -
1952 CIA UFO documents - CUFON Document Sampler No.2 USAF 1956 Air Intelligence Digest article
- René Couzinet -
COUZINET.ZIP CUFON Document Sampler No.4
- CUFONsmpl4.ZIP
Executive Order (EO) 12356 -
EO 12356.ZIP Executive Order
(EO) 12937 -
Executive Order 12958 FBI file
- Dr. James McDonald The Flying Disc - 1952 USAF Air
Intelligence Digest 1953 USAF Air Technical Iintelligence Center
Guide to UFO reporting Interrogatories from Frederick M. Olsen v. NSA
lawsuit - FMOVNSA.ZIP FBI document
- Freedom Of
Information Act exemptions -
FOIA_EX.ZIP US Army Intelligence SOP
for Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit requests -
Official documents mentioning Foo Fighters during WWII General Accounting Office report on search for Roswell records
GAO.ZIP Summary of what several
agencies told GAO about "MJ12" JANP146C - 1954 Joint
Army-Navy-Air Force Publication 146(C) CIRVIS JANAP-146E - 1966 Canadian - US CIRVIS Instruction
JANAP 146E.ZIP JANAP-146E - 1977 Canadian
- US CIRVIS Instruction -
Investigation of the "MJ-12 papers" Kinross
AFB F-89C Aircraft Mishap Report - 23 Nov 1953 Kennedy Space Center NASA Management Instruction
KMI 8610.4 -
KMI8610.ZIP MOGUL - Report of Air Force Research Regarding the "Roswell Incident"
- MOON DUST Reporting - USAF
Intelligence Guidance Collection Letter No.4, 25 April 1961 NORAD
Instruction 35-17 - N135-17.ZIP A Preliminary Study of
Unidentified Targets Observed on Air Traffic Control Radar USAF Scientific
Advisory Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book -
Report of Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects
ROBERT.ZIP Robertson Panel - 1956 DOD
restatement of Panel proceedings and conclusions Project SILVERBUG - Air Technical Intelligence Center Technical
Report 15-Feb-1955 Text of several State Deprtment UFO reports reviewed and released 7 Feb
2000 Seven Status Reports for Project Stork CUFON "Legacy"
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