Document #: 51 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-17-1986 Subject: 1983 REQUIREMENT(CR)44A FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332-6001 REPLY TO ATTN OF: IVO SUBJECT: Collections Rrquirement (cr) 44A (U) 23 NOV 1983 TO: ALL AFOSI Districts,Detachments,and Operating Locations (CAT III) (Less IGQ, CSD, AFMPC, and NESA) 1. (2) ------------------------ b1 ------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 2. (U) BACKGROUND: a. (U) This collection Requirement implements DoD Manual 5210.41M, "Nuclear Weapons Security Manual," 9 Mar 83, which states in para 1-309: Under the guidance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Military Services, and the Unified and Specified Commands shall provide commanders or organizations responsible for safety and security of nuclear weapons with current intelligence concerning threats to nuclear weapons. Further, DoDM 5210.41M specifically directs that: The Military Services ... shall direct their counterintelligence and/or criminal investigative agencies to actively seek information concerning threats to nuclear weapons and to report such evaluated information expeditiously to reponsible commanders and to organizations responsibles for the safety and security of nuclear weapons. b. (U) All AFOSI units are required to maintain and be aware of this Collection Requirement as: (1) (U) Some organizations that may pose a threat to the security of nuclear weapons operate internationally. (2) (U) Nuclear weapons could be moved through or be stored temporarily in virually any area. (3) (U) The dissemination of threat information to nuclear weapons is of paramount importance, regardless of service custodial or security responsibilities. This CR supersedes HQ CR 44, Classified by Multiple Sources dated 4 Oct 74. DECL: OADR NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS SECRET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #: 52 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-18-1986 Subject: 1983 REQ-(CR)44A PAGE 2,3 FRESSDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332 Page 2,3 (4) (U) AFOSI has the sole DoD responsibility in certain area for providing counterintelligence support to non-USAF commanders charged with nuclear weapons security. 3. (U) REFERENCES:-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- b5------------------------------------ 4. (S) SCOPE: a. (S/AF)-------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- b1/b5 --------------------------------- b. (U) The resurgence of antinuclear movements throughout the world, particularly in Europe, should not be considered as a threat in itself to the safety or security of nuclear weapons. Antinuclear protests and demomstrations will not be reported under this CR unless there is information to indicate that they have other than peaceful intentions towoards installations at which nuclear weapons are maintained. Even then, theiractivities may be more correctly reported under CR 42A unless they have specifically directed their actions towards nuclear weapons storage areas or nuclear weapons in transit. c. (U)----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- b5 ------------------------------------ Page 3 -----------------------------------b5 ------------------------------------ 5. ( ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- b1/b5 ---------------------------------- 6. (U) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: _____________________ a. (U) Districts are not reqired to locally supplement this CR but may do so subject to HQ AFOSI/IVOA validation. District supplements will be in letter format and will only contain the minimum additional information or instructions necessary to implement this CR. b. (U) During the process of collecting information in reponse to this CR all collectors must ensure that they do not disclose the existence or presnce of nuclear weapons at any specific location to unauthorized personnel. ---------------------- b5 ------------------------------------. NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS 3 SECRET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #: 53 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-18-1986 Subject: 1983 REQ-(CR)44A PAGE 4,5 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR FORCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE, DC 20332 Page 4,5 ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- c. (U) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- d. (U) AFOSI units servicing nuclear weapone storage sites will maintain close and coninuing liaison with the commander of the site and the site security office.------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- (1) (U)---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- (2) (U)--------------------- b5 --------------------------------------- 7. (U) CAVEATS AND DISTRIBUTION ________________________ a. (U) All documents, IIRs, and correspondence relating to and in response to this CR will be marked at least FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY.-------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ b5 ---------------------------------------- b. (U) IIRs responsive to this CR will, at a minimum, include the following as direct distributees: Page 5 (a) (U) Concerned site or installation commander (b) (U) Concerned intermediate commands (c) (U) Concerned Theater Services headquarters (d) (U) Concerned Unified and Specified Commands (e) (U) AFOSI districts servicing any of the above (f) (U) Local U.S. counterpart agencies (g) (U) HQ AFOSI/IVOA 8. (U) SUSPENSES: _____________ a. (U) This CR is of continuing and indefinite applicability. HQ AFOSI/IVOAA will monitor its status. b. (U) Districts preparing supplements to this CR must review them at least annually on the anniversary of the original validation or on the anniversary of the last review or change. If no change to the supplement is needed, the district will notify HQ AFOSI/IVOA of the review by AFOSI Fm 158. RICHARD F. LAW, Colonel, USAF Director of Counterintelligence NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS 5 SECRET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #: 54 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-27-1986 Subject: 1969 BOLENDER MEMO FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 AFCC Coord 2 AFRDC Appr 7 SAFRD Coord 3 SAFOI Coord 8 SAFCS Sig 4 SAFLL Coord 9 5 AFCCS Appr 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURNAME OF ACTION OFFICER AND GRADE SYMBOL PHONE TYPISTS INIT.SUSP.DAT Major Espey AFRDDG 52181 vc -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT DATE Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) 20 OCT 1969 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY 1. For more than twenty years the Air Force has had the responsibility within the Department of Defense for the investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) (Atch 2). As stated in Project Blue Book, this investigative program has two objectives: a. To determine whether UFOs pose a threat to the security of the United States: and b. To determine whether UFOs exhibit any unique scientific information or advanced technology which could contribute to scientific or technical research (Atch 3). Procedures for Project Blue Book reporting are defined in Air Force Regulation 80-17. This regulation requires the Commander of an Air Force base to provide a UFO investigative capability and for Air Force Systems Command to continue Project Blue Book (Atch 4). In response to this regulation most Commanders have appointed a UFO investigating officer, usually as an additional duty. Project Blue Book has two officers, are NCO and are civilian assigned on a full-time basis. In addition, Dr. A. J. Hynek served as a scientific consultant until 1 July 1969. 2. In 1966 the Air Force Office of Scientific Research contracted to have the University of Colorado conduct an independent scientific investigation of unidentified flying objects. This study, directed by Dr. Edward U. Condon and made available as the "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects," serves as a basis for evaluating the Air Force investigative effort (Atch 5). After an extensive study of this report as well as the review of the report by a panel of the National Academy of Sciences, past studies, Project Blue Book operations and other inputs, the Office of Aerospace Research concluded, and we agree, that the continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified, either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science (Atch 6). 3. The general conclusion of the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects is that "nothing has come from the study of UFOs in the past 21 years that has added to scientific knowledge." As to what the federal government should do with the UFO reports it receives from the general public, the authors add that they are "inclined to think that nothing should be done with them in the expectation that they are going to contribute to the advance of science." A panel of the National Academy of Sciences concurred in these views, and the Air Force has found no reason to question this -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document #: 55 From: UFO INFO SERVICE Date Sent: 10-27-1986 Subject: 1969 BOLENDER MEMO PG. 2 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT DOCUMENT FILES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- conclusion. For example, it has been the Air Force that although a significant portion of the Air Force's environmental research program is concerned with natural phenomena that could be associated with unidentified flying objects (Atch 7), Project Blue Book reports have not added any useful data to these research efforts (Atch 6). Thus, we concur with the University of Colorado recommendation "that only so much attention to the subject should be given as the Department of Defense deems to be necessary strictly from a defense point of view." 4. As early as 1953, the Robertson Panel concluded "that the evidence presented on Unidentified Flying Objects shows no indication that these phenomena constitute a direct physical threat to national security" (Atch 9). In spite of this finding, the Air Force continued to maintain a special reporting system. There is still, however, no evidence that Project Blue Book reports have served any intelligence function (Atch 8). Moreover, reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-11, and are not part of the Blue Book system (Atch 10). The Air Force experience therefore confirms the impression of the University of Colorado researchers "that the defense function could be performed withing the framework established for intelligence and surveillance operations without the continuance of a special unit such as Project Blue Book." 5. The conclusion which follows is that Project Blue Book does not merit future expenditures of resources. Accordingly, we recommend that it be terminated and that the actions which follow from this decision, such as cancelling Air Force Regulation 80-17 and not renewing the consultant contract, be initiated. Termination of Project Blue Book would have no adverse effect on Air Force operations or research programs. It would free manpower for useful purposes, eliminate the need for scientific consultant and relieve base commanders of a minor responsibility and an administrative burden. 6. Termination of Project Blue Book would leave no official federal office to receive reports of UFOs. However, as already stated, reports of UFOs which could affect national security would continue to be handled through the standard Air Force procedures designed for this purpose. Presumably, local police departments respond to reports which fall within their responsibilities. Similarly, as to scientific research, the Colorado researchers conclude that, although they do not see "any fruitful lines of advance from the study of UFO reports, we believe that any scientist with adequate training and credentials who does come up with a clearly defined, specific proposal for study should be supported." We see no reason why the normal channels and criteria for the funding of scientific research should not be adequate for UFO-related research. 7. Some feel that a central reporting center should be established, and a proposal has been made to establish a Rare Atmospheric Pehnomena Reporting Center (Atch 11 and 12). Because the problem affects a number of agencies, this center might be under the auspices of the Federal Council on Science and Technology. However, in the light of the University of Colorado recommendation -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= --------------------------- C U F O N --------------------------- Computer UFO Network Seattle Washington, USA (206) 776-0382 8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit 300/1200/2400 bps. 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