An article titled A Die-Hard Issue: CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947-90, written by Gerald K. Haines, at the time the National Reconnaissance Office historian and published in the Semiannual Edition #1, (1997) of the Central Intelligence Agency's publication, Studies in Intelligence, has caused considerable controversy by asserting that most, if not all, UFO sightings in the 1950's and 1960's were, in fact, sightings of secret flights of the U-2 and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft.

One thing in this article that caught our eye was the paragraph at the end of the article:

"Dr. Larry Bland, editor of The George C. Marshall Papers, discovered that one of the so-called Majestic-12 documents was a complete fraud. It contained the exact same language as a letter from Marshall to Presidential candidate Thomas Dewey regarding the "Magic" intercepts in 1944. The dates and names had been altered and "Magic" changed to "Majic." Moreover, it was a photocopy, not an original. No original MJ-12 documents have ever surfaced. Telephone conversation between the author and Bland, 29 August 1994."
We wrote to Dr. Bland at the George C. Marshall Foundation asking for a copy of the relevant documents, which he kindly supplied, and the text of which are reproduced here.

When we contacted Stan Friedman and mentioned our intention to publish this material, Stan pointed out that he had dealt with this fraudulent document in his Top Secret/Majic, and indeed he did so. [1]

We've not seen this document published, and since we have good source material, we're making this available. We are not making any points here about any documents but this specific one.  Interested persons should investigate further and draw their own conclusions.


Attachment 1: Reply letter from Dr. Bland to Dale Goudie of CUFON



penta.gif (864 bytes)

Preserving and promoting in
society the
ideals and
values of
selfless service,
hard work,
integrity and
compassion of
George Catlett

Chairman of the Board of Trustees



Post Office Drawer 1600, Lexington, Virginia 24450-1600 540/463-7103
Fax 540/464-5229

29 June 1998

Mr. Dale Goudie
[Address deleted by CUFON]

Dear Mr. Goudie:

In regard to the fake "MJ-12" document: Dr. Stanton T. Friedman, whom you doubtless know from his book Top Secret/Majic, visited the Marshall Library and Archive in 1992, I believe. Our assistant librarian received a latter from him dated July 1, 1993, asking for our opinion about "another one of the mysterious documents linking General Marshall and Mr. [Carlisle] Humelsine" of the State Department. I had previously seen a number of similar documents that had been sent to Dr. Friedman by an unknown person. These were photocopies of documents Dr. Friedman called "Majic" documents and pertained to aspects of the Roswell incident, the general handling of UFO material, and the government's alleged cover-up, in which General Marshall was involved as Secretary of State.

Most of the photocopies were well done by someone who knows what such documents should look like and who had done enough archival research to acquire the proper signatures, letterheads, stamps, etc. In the format presented to me  (many-generations old photocopies) it was impossible to verify their authenticity. However, the one Dr. Friedman sent in July 1993 was clearly a re-do of a document I knew and which I ultimately published in volume 4 of the papers of George Catlett Marshall: a 27 September 1944 letter to GOP presidential candidate Thomas Dewey wherein Marshall seeks to prevent Dewey's demanding an investigation of the events surrounding the Pearl Harbor-related Purple codes.

I attach a photocopy of the material Dr. Friedman sent and my reply to him.

Sincerely yours,

/s/ Larry I. Bland

Larry I. Bland
Editor, Marshall Papers


Attachment 2:   Letter to Stanton Friedman provided to CUFON by Dr. Larry Bland:



penta.gif (864 bytes)

Preserving and promoting in
society the
ideals and
values of
selfless service,
hard work,
integrity and
compassion of
George Catlett

Chairman of the Board of Trustees



Post Office Drawer 1600, Lexington, Virginia 24450-1600 540/463-7103
Fax 540/464-5229

7 July 1993

Dr. Stanton T. Friedman
79 Pembroke Crescent
Fredericton, New Brunswick
Canada E3B 2V1

Dear Dr. Friedman:

      Marti Gansz gave me your letter of 1 July. Your mysterious document maker has finally made a serious mistake. He lifted most of the language for his fraudulent letter dated "27 September 1947" from a secret letter Marshall sent to Governor Thomas Dewey of New York on 27 September 1944. Dewey had learned of the existence of pre-Pearl Harbor "Magic" (never spelled "Majic") and was going to use it against the Roosevelt Administration in the election of 1944. This Marshall document is relatively well known, having first been published in 1946 in the Pearl Harbor hearings collection and several times since.

      There are also minor problems; (1) the idea that Marshall would have addressed the recipient as "Carl" rather than "Humelsine" is astounding, given that Marshall knew him only recently and in a professional status; the only person that I know of that Marshall began using first names for after recent acquaintance was Harry Hopkins in 1939. (2) Marshall was not Secretary of Defense until September 1950.

Marshall's signature is genuine (thanks, I suppose, to a photocopy machine) and is one of the World War II autopen versions his staff used to sign photos, autograph cards, and some correspondence not important enough for Marshall to sign himself. Marshall was attending important deliberations at the U.N. in New York on 27 September 1947.


/s/ Larry I. Bland

Larry I. Bland
Marshall Papers Project


Attachment 3:   Text of original 1944 letter from Marshall to Dewey

                                    TOP SECRET


                                                                       27 September 1944

               Colonel Clarke , my messenger to you of yesterday, September 26th,
has reported the result of his delivery of my letter dated September 25th.
As I understand him you (a) were unwilling to commit yourself to any agree-
ment regarding "not communicating its contents to another person" in view
of the fact that you felt you already knew certain of the things probably re-
ferred to in the letter, as suggested to you by seeing the word "cryptograph,"
and (b) you could not feel that such a letter as this to a presidential can-
didate could have been addressed to you by an officer of my position without
the knowledge of the President.

               As to (a) above I am quite willing to have you read what comes here-
after with the understanding that you are bound not to communicate to any other
person any portions on which you do not now have or later receive factual knowl
-edge from some other source than myself. As to (b) above you have my word that
neither the Secretary of War nor the President has any intimation whatsoever
that such a letter has been addressed to you or that the preparation or sending
of such a communication was being considered. I assure you that the only per-
sons who saw or know of the existence of either this letter or my letter to you
dated September 25th are Admiral King, seven key officers responsible for secur-
ity of military communications, and my secretary who typed these letters. I am
trying my best to make plain to you that this letter is being addressed to you
solely on my initiative, Admiral King having been consulted only after the let-
ter was drafted, and I am persisting in the matter because the military hazards
involved are so serious that I reel some action is necessary to protect the in-
terests of our armed forces.

               I should have much preferred to talk to you in person but I could not
devise a method that would not be subject to press and radio reactions as to
why the Chief of Staff of the Army would be seeking an interview with you at
this particular moment. Therefore I have turned to the method of this letter,
with which Admiral King concurs, to be delivered by hand to you by Colonel
Clarke, who, incidentally, has charge or the most secret documents of the War
and Navy Departments.

               In brief , the military dilemma is this :

                      The most vital evidence in the Pearl Harbor matter consists
        of our intercepts of the Japanese diplomatic communications. Over a
        period of years our cryptograph people analyzed the character of the
        machine the " Japanese were using for encoding their diplomatic messages.
        Based on this a corresponding machine was built by us which deciphers
        their messages. Therefore, we possessed a wealth of information re-
        garding their moves in the Pacific, which in turn was furnished the
        State Department - rather than as is popularly supposed, the State

                                                                                                        E.O. 11552 Sec. 3(E) and 5(D) or (E)
                                                                                                         Authority ___ [ NND 750046] ____
                                                                                                         By __[??]__ NARS, Date _[2/4/74 __

                                TOP SECRET


                                TOP SECRET

                      Department providing us with the information - but which unfortunately
        made no reference whatever to intentions towards Hawaii until the last
        message before December 7th, which did not reach our hands until the
        following day, December 8th.

                      Now the point to the present dilemma is that we have gone
        ahead with this business of deciphering their codes until we possess
        other codes, German as well as Japanese, but our main basis of informa-
        tion regarding Hitler's intentions in Europe is obtained from Baron
        Oshima's messages from Berlin reporting his interviews with Hitler and
        other officials to the Japanese Government. These are still in the
        codes involved in the Pearl Harbor events.

                      To explain further the critical nature of this set-up which
        would be wiped out almost in an instant if the least suspicion were
        aroused regarding it, the battle of the Coral Sea was based on de-
        ciphered messages and therefore our few ships were in the right place
        at the right time, Further, we were able to concentrate our limited
        forces to meet their naval advance on Midway when otherwise we almost
        certainly would have been some 3,000 miles out of place. We had full
        information of the strength of their forces in that advance and also
        of the smaller force directed against the Aleutians which finally
        landed troops on Attu and Kiska.

                      Operations in the Pacific are largely guided by the informa-
        tion we obtain of Japanese deployments. We know their strength in var-
        ious garrisons, the rations and other stores continuing available to
        them, and what is of vast importance, we check their fleet movements
        and the movements of their convoys. The heavy losses reported from
        time to time which they sustain by reason of our submarine action,
        largely result from the fact that we know the sailing dates and routes
        of their convoys and can notify our submarines to lie in wait at the
        proper points.

                      The current raids by Admiral Halsey's carrier forces on Jap-
        anese shipping in Manila Bay and elsewhere were largely based on timing
        on the known movements of Japanese convoys, two of which were caught,
        as anticipated, in his destructive attacks.

              You will understand from the foregoing the utterly tragic consequences
if the present political debates regarding Pearl Harbor disclose to the enemy,
German or Gap, any suspicion of the vital sources of information we possess.

              The Roberts' Report of Pearl Harbor had to have withdrawn from it
all reference to this highly secret matter, therefore in portions it neces-
sarily appeared incomplete. The same reason which dictated that course is
even more important today because our sources have been greatly elaborated.

                                                      - 2 -

                                TOP SECRET


                                TOP SECRET

              As another example of the delicacy of the situation, some of Dono-
van's people (the OSS) without telling us, instituted a secret search of the
Japanese Embassy offices in Portugal. As a result the entire military attaché
Japanese code all over the world was changed, and though this occurred over a
year ago, we have not yet been able to break the new code and have thus lost
this invaluable source of information, particularly regarding the European

              A further most serious embarrassment is the fact that the British
government is involved concerning its most secret sources of information,
regarding which only the Prime Minister, the Chiefs of Staff and a very
limited number of other officials have knowledge.

              A recent speech in Congress by Representative Harness would clearly
suggest to the Japanese that we have been reading their codes, though Hr.Har-
ness and the American public would probably not draw any such conclusion.

              The conduct of General Eisenhower's campaign and of all operations
in the Pacific are closely related in conception and timing to the information
He secretly obtain through these intercepted codes. They contribute greatly
to the victory and tremendously to the saving in American lives, both in the
conduct of current operations and in looking towards the early termination
of the war.

              I am presenting this matter to you in the hope that you will see
your way clear to avoid the tragic results with which we are now threatened
in the present political campaign.

              Please return this letter by bearer. I will hold it in my most
secret file subject to your reference should you so desire.

                                                       Faithfully yours,

                                                                (Sgd) G. C. MARSHALL


                                                      - 3 -

                                TOP SECRET

Attachment 4:   retyped copy of purported MJ-12 document provided to Dr. Bland by Stanton Friedman

For Mr. Humelsine's eyes only                           27 September 1947

           My Dear Carl:   Colonel Clarke, my messenger to you of yesterday,
September 26th, has reported the result of this delivery of my memo
dated 25th. As I understand from him you (a) were unwilling to commit
yourself to any agreement regarding not communicating its contents to the [any]
other person in view of the fact that you felt you already knew certain
of the things probably referred to in the memo, and [as] suggested to you by
seeing the security reference "MAJIC"; and (b) you could not feel that
such a letter as this could have been addressed to you without the
knowledge of the president.

           As to (a) above I am quite willing to have you read what comes
hereafter with the understanding that you are bound not to communicate
to any other person any portions of which you do not have or later
receive factual knowledge from some other source than myself. As to (b)
above you have my word that neither the Secretary of Defense nor the
President has any intimation whatsoever that such a letter has been
addressed to you or that the preparation for sending of such was being
considered. I assure you that the only persons who saw or know of the
existence of either this letter or my or my dictation to you dated September
25th are General Eisenhower, seven "key" officers responsible for
security of MAJIC military communications, and my secretary who typed
these letters.

           I am trying my best to make clear to you that this letter is
being addressed to you solely on my initiative. General Eisenhower
having been consulted only after the letter was mailed and I am
persisting in the matter because the military hazards [involved] are so serious
that. . .[I feel] some action is necessary to protect the interest of our armed

           I should have much preferred to talk to you in person but I could
Not devise a method that would not attract press and radio reactions as
To why the Secretary of Defense would be seeking an interview with you
At this particular moment. Therefore I have turned to the method of
this letter with which I hope the Joint Chiefs concur. It will be
delivered by hand to you by Colonel Clarke, who incidentally has charge
of the most secret documents of the Army, Navy and Air Force

           You will understand from the foregoing the utterly tragic results
if the present rumors regarding New Mexico are disclosed to the public,
government, or congressional or any suspicions of the vital information
we possess.

           Please return this letter by bearer. I will hold it in my most
secret file subject to your reference should you so desire.

                    Faithfully yours,

                                                                             G. Marshall     [state]
                                                                             (Secretary of Defense)

1 June 16, 1993 8:32 AM Letter dated 27 September 1947. Typed in 12-point Courier from a copy of low legibility
                                          [notes by STF]

Attachment 5:   image of purported MJ-12 document provided to Dr. Bland by Stanton Friedman

mj12.GIF (47214 bytes)



[1]    Text of an email from Stan Friedman to Jim Klotz re posting of the above material:

From: "Stan Friedman" <>
To: "Jim K" <>
Subject: Re: Dr. Bland and the Marshall Foundation
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:33:57 -0400


I discussed this document and several others of the "new" variety in my
book TOP SECRET/MAJIC and completely accepted Dr. Bland's conclusions
(p.159). I note this in my 3 page response to Haines grossly misleading
article.The document came from Tim Cooper as I noted in TSM. It strongly
indicates this particular document is a parody. Surely we can't have either
guilt or genuiness by association.

I would gather you haven;t read my l996 book and probably not my 108p.
"Final Report on Operation Majestic 12" or my several other papers dealing
with these documents. Pity.

Autographed copies of the hard cover version of TSM are available for $15.
including P and H from UFORI, POB 958, Houlton, ME 04730-0958. Or use Visa
or MC calling toll free 877-457-0232.

I obviously have no idea what you are saying but hope my views aren't
misrepresented. I think I have spent more time on MJ-12 documents, with
visits now to l8 Archives, some many times, than anyone else.. I get rather
dismayed at the armchair theorists out there who seem to do their research
by proclamation. Bob Todd for example has apparently never been to an
archive. Barry Greenwood has been to one.

Stan Friedman

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