National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.64B
August 12, 2002
SUBJECT: Requests for ship histories or deck logs
Reason for revision. This memorandum is revised to update information related to the locations of ship deck logs.
Applicability. The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel in the core environment.
Background. Aboard most Navy vessels the Quartermaster maintains a daily rough (handwritten) log annotating the time and place of specific events, orders, and actions related to the vessel's personnel and activities. The Officer of the Deck on watch prepares a smooth (typed) log at the completion of his/her watch that summarizes the rough log. In addition, a ship's officer is designated as the ship's historian. The ship's historian prepares the ship's history, usually on an annual basis, from the rough and smooth logs. From these source documents individuals may seek proof of events for a variety of purposes (accidents, exposure to radiation, etc.).
Requests for ship histories.
Records at NPRC. The NPRC library maintains a four drawer alphabetically arranged file of ship histories. Most entries are for WWII vessels; however, certain historical entries, such as the Civil War U.S.S. Monitor, are on file. When ships are not named, alpha designators and numeric identification (LSM 147, LST 519, etc.) are listed. The NPRC library also has a complete set (8 volumes) of the "Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships," which contains a brief history of naval ships since the Navy was formed in 1775. If a requested ship's history is located, photocopy the ship's history and forward to the requester.
Records not at NPRC. If NRPC does not have the requested ship's history, refer the requester to the address shown below.
Naval Historical Center
Washington Navy Yard
805 Kidder Breese St., SE
Washington, DC 20374-5060
Requests for ship deck logs. NPRC holdings do not include ship deck logs. Refer requester to the appropriate address.
Through 1940: National Archives & Records Administration
Old Military & Civil Records (NWCTB)
700 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20408From 1941 to 1969: National Archives and Records Administration
Modern Military Records (NWCTM)
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001From 1970 to present: Naval Historical Center
Ships History Branch
Washington Navy Yard
805 Kidder Breese St., SE
Washington, DC 20374-5060