National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100

NPRC 1865.120A
January 28, 2002

SUBJECT:  Requests for Air Force officer flight records

  1. Purpose.  This memorandum provides instructions for handling requests for copies of Air Force officer flight records.
  2. Cancellation.  NPRC 1865.120 is cancelled.
  3. Applicability.  The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel in all Cores and the Correspondence Section (Organizational Records) of the Records Retrieval Branch.
  4. Instructions.  The instructions for handling requests for Air Force officer flight records are contained in the Attachment.  For instructions for handling requests for flight training records, see the latest revision of NPRC 1865.68, Requests for verification of training, education, and performance while in the military.
  5. Forms.  This memorandum provides for the use of the following form:

    NA Form 13105, NPRC Search Request and Reply



  1. Background.  NPRC acquired a microfilmed collection of Air Force officer flight records when Norton AFB closed, primarily to assist in records reconstruction efforts.  However, these records can also be used to respond to requests for copies of an individual's flight records, and copies of flight training records.  (For information regarding flight-training records, see the latest revision of NPRC 1865.68, Requests for verification of training, education, and performance while in the military.)  The microfilmed collection is located in Room 1536 on the first floor.  The reels are filed in eighteen runs (separated by years). From 1911 through June 1967 the reels are filed in alphabetical order, and reels from July 1967 through May 1973 are filed bi-monthly by service number or social security number.  Flight records for 1973 through 1995 are on microfiche.  After 1995, flight records were given to the veteran.  Requests for flight records are received from individuals seeking copies of their flight records (flying time) for a specific span of years (sometimes 20-30 years).  Some Air Force officer flight records are also filed in the Official Military Personnel Folder (OMPF).  Due to Privacy Act considerations flight records from 1969 and later that contain social security numbers are not available for review.
  2. Air Force officer flight records.  Each individual flight record covers a specific time period, and provides flight time information; e.g., aircraft type, mission symbol, hours of time flown, etc. In addition, each record provides a cumulative total of total flight time shown in summary format by hours flown in various categories.  (See Figure 1.)  The flight record for the officer's last month and year flown will provide a career total of flying time.

    NOTE:  Air Force officer flight records offer an alternate source of information for records reconstruction since they contain the name, service number(s), branch of service, dates of service, ratings, date of birth, and organization(s) assigned.  This information is available for a specific time (month/year) during the pilot's career or throughout their career.  To request a search of these records for reconstruction purposes, follow procedures as outlined in the latest revision of NPRC 1865.111, Internal sources of information used in the records reconstruction process, subpar. 14c.

  3. Responsibility of archives technicians.  Archives technicians in the cores have the responsibility for answering requests for flight records and other records (i.e., personnel or health records).  However, if the request is for flight records ONLY, the request should be routed to The Records Retrieval Branch, Correspondence Section (Organizational Records (OR); they will answer these requests.

    1. Analyze request and record.  Archives technicians shall analyze the request and review the OMPF to determine if records on file may be used to respond to the request.  If no records are found, the technician should request a search of microfilmed flight records.

      NOTE:  Archives technicians will determine whether to use the flight records as an alternate source of information for records reconstruction.

    2. Search request.

      (1)  Last month/year flown provided by requester.  To request a search of microfilmed records, prepare NA Form 13105, NPRC Search Request and Reply.  Furnish identifying data of the veteran and the last month and year flown.  NOTE:  Regardless of the way in which the request is worded; e.g., "Send complete/all copies of flight records," provide only the last month/year flown.  Core archives technicians shall send search requests to the Records Retrieval Branch, Correspondence Section (Organizational Records).  In response to the search request, a flight record showing cumulative flight time will be furnished.  Archives technicians in the Records Retrieval Branch shall search and complete the case, if only flight records are requested.  NOTE:  DO NOT provide the discharge/retirement date on the search request since flight records were not maintained to the end of the officer's career.

      (2)  Last month/year flown not provided by requester.  If the requester does not provide the last month/year flown, contact the requester and ask for this information.  If the requester is only able to provide the last year flown, request a search of the microfilm for the month of December for that year.

      (3)  Additional searches requested.  If the requester insists on additional searches (by month/year), a form letter shall be sent stating that additional records will be made available to the requester to review on-site at the Center (See Figure 2.).
  4. Responsibility of Records Retrieval Branch, Correspondence Section (Organizational Records.  Technicians in Organizational Records are responsible for searching requests for technicians in the cores.  Search the last month/year shown on the search request.  Organizational Records technicians shall attach copies of the flight record to the search request and return to the core.  Organizational Records technicians shall search the flight records and complete the case when the customer is requesting only copies of flight records.

    NOTE:  Organizational Records may receive search requests for flight records from core technicians for records reconstruction purposes.  In these cases, Organizational Records furnishes the requested information on the search request form and returns to the technician.

Figure 1.  Sample of Individual Flight Record


Figure 2.  Sample form letter for on-site review



National Personnel Records Center

Military Personnel Records   9700 Page Avenue   St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100


Thank you for contacting the National Personnel Records Center.  Your original request asked for copies of U.S. Air Force officer flight records from ^ to ^ .  We do have available at this Center U.S. Air Force officer flight records from 1911 to May 1973 on microfilm and officer flight records on microfiche from June 1973 to Dec 1995.  After 1995, flight records were given to the veteran.

The National Personnel Records Center is staffed and budgeted to respond to requests from or on behalf of veterans who are seeking benefits due them under various veterans’ laws.  Therefore, we normally try to limit our research of microfilmed/microfiche Air Force officer flight records to the last month and year flown.  This record provides a cumulative career total of flight time.

If you wish to obtain more than the last month and year flown with the cumulative total, we can make the records available to you or your designated representative for review here at our Center.  In lieu of you personally visiting this Center, you may wish to contact the History Department of on the local universities (Washington University, St. Louis University, University of Missouri-St. Louis, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, and Webster University) for graduate students who may be available to conduct this research.  If you or your designated representative decide to review the records, you must first obtain permission to review the records and then notify us in advance of your visit so we can make the necessary arrangements.  You will need to first write to the following office to obtain the required written authorization for access to the records:

Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Operations
Headquarters United States Air Force
Washington, D.C. 20330-5054

Once authorization is obtained, you will need to call the Organizational Records section of this Center at (314) 538-4461 to schedule an appointment before your visit.  This will ensure that there are no scheduling conflicts and that the records are available and ready for your review.  You will also need to furnish us with copy of your written authorization to review records.  NOTE:  Due to Privacy Act considerations flight records from 1969 and later that contain social security numbers are not available for review.




National Archives and Records Administration