National Personnel Records Center
St. Louis, Missouri 63132-5100
NPRC 1865.118

SUBJECT:  Requests for birth or death certificates/information

1.  Purpose.  This memorandum provides instructions for handling requests for birth or death certificates or information for former military personnel and their dependents.

2.  Cancellation. Figs. 17 and 18 of NPRC 1865.69, Miscellaneous inquiries not covered in individual memorandums, are cancelled.

3.  Applicability.  The provisions of this memorandum are applicable to personnel in correspondence operations and the Organizational Records Section.

4.  Instructions.  The instructions for handling requests for birth or death information are contained in the Attachment.

5.  Forms.  This memorandum provides for the use of the following forms:

NA Form 13008, Loan or Transfer of Records
NA Form 13018, Reply to Inquiry (NCP)
NA Form 13052, Report of Death
NA Form 13053, NPRC Acknowledgement/Referral
NA Form 13062, Release of Information
NA Form 13106, Birth Information


1.  Veterans' birt data/certificates.

     a. Requests from veterans or next of kin.

(1) Birth certificate on file.  Transmit the original birth certificate, retaining a photocopy for file, except for Navy.  A retained copy is not required for Navy records.  Use NA Form 13018, Reply to Inquiry (NCP), for the transmittal, and write:  "The attached birth certificate is furnished in response to your request."

(2) Birth certificate not on file.

    (a) Prepare NA Form 13106, Birth Information, unless the inquiry is submitted on a form providing space for the birth information. In that event, enter the birth data on the request form.  See fig. 1.

     (b) If the request very specifically asks for a "birth certificate," send the NA Form 13106, and inform the requester where the birth certificate may be obtained by placing a check mark next to the appropriate referral point at the bottom of the form.

     (c) If records show the birth certificate was submitted in connection with an allotment, forward the inquiry to the appropriate finance office.  If the record indicates the birth certificate was sent elsewhere for any reason, forward the inquiry accordingly.

     b. Requests from other sources.  Birth data (place of birth, father's name, mother's maiden name) may be furnished to routine users without veteran's authorization.  A living veteran's birth date, and the place and date of birth of a deceased veteran, are releasable under the Freedom of Information Act.  A veteran's authorization is required for the release of any other birth data to the general public.  If authorization is not received, return the request with NA Form 13062, Release of Information, checking the appropriate item seeking authorization.  When release is appropriate, prepare NA Form 13106, unless the request form provides space for the birth information. In that event, enter the birth data on the request form.

    c.Birth data not on fileIf birth information is not located in the record or auxiliary sources, return the request using NA Form 13062 and check the appropriate blocks.

2.  Dependents; birth data/certificates (born n Naval medical facilities).

    a. Requests from veterans or next of kin.

(1) Original birth certificate on file.  This may be sent to the dependent, or to the parent if the dependent is a minor.  If the dependent is deceased, any of the next of kin may get the  certificate.  NA Form 13018 may be used to transmit.  (It is not necessary to make a copy of the certificate for the file.)

(2) Carbon copy of birth certificate on file.  Extract the information to NA Form 13106.  The release policy for this is the same as in subpar. 2a above.

(3) Birth certificate not on file.  Furnish completed NA Form 13106. If the requester very specifically asks for the "birth certificate" or no birth data are available, inform the requester where the birth certificate may be obtained by placing a check mark next to the appropriate referral point on the bottom of the form.

    b. Requests from other sources. Release policy is the same as in subpar. 1b.  If release is appropriate, prepare NA Form 13106, unless the request form provides space for the birth information.  In that event, enter the data on the request form.

3.  Filling evidence of replies.

     a.  If NA Form 13106 is furnished, prepare in duplicate and file the copy in the record.  A transmittal form is not required unless additional remarks are necessary.

     b.  If documents are being furnished, prepare the transmittal, NA Form 13018, in duplicate.  Annotate the duplicate to show which records were sent and file the copy in the record.

     c.  If the requested data are being furnished on the request form, make a photocopy of the request form and file in the record.

4.  Requests for proof of death. Information verifying the death of a veteran may be released to the next of kin. For third party requesters; e.g., banks, administrators of estates, and insurance companies, furnish requested information only to the extent required by the Freedom of Information Act.  (See latest revision of NPRC1864.102, Privacy Act implementation in NPRC reference service operations, for additional instructions.)

Furnish additional requested information only with the WRITTEN CONSENT of the next of kin.  Furnish copy of the Report of Death, Casualty Report, or Certificate of Death to the next of kin or other authorized requester provided death was in line of duty not due to own misconduct, and was not due to a disease that reflects unfavorably on the deceased.  If in doubt about releasability, consult with supervisor. If information is not releasable, prepare NA Form 13052, Report of Death, omitting the cause of death.  See fig. 2.

5. Requests for facts and circumstances surrounding the veteran's deathUsing NA Form 13008, Loan or Transfer of Records, forward the request and records to the appropriate service department.  Notify the requester of the referral using NA Form 13053, NPRC Acknowledgement/Referral.

6.  Requests critical of the service departmentInquiries from members of Congress, government officials, prominent civilians, the next of kin, or members of the immediate family which are critical of the service department because the serviceperson died while serving on active duty are forwarded to the appropriate service department. Follow instructions in par. 5.