SUBJECT: Processing
inquiries prepared in a foreign language
1. Purpose. This memorandum outlines procedures for processing inquiries that are prepared in a foreign language.
2. Cancellation. NPRC 1864.104F is canceled.
3. Reason for revision. This memorandum is revised to update: the Task code for reporting time spent on translations; the address of an outside source; the partial listing of NARA employees who translate inquiries written in a foreign language; and provide information for locating, on the Internet, a full list of NARA employees who perform translation services.
4. Applicability. This memorandum applies to both Military and Civilian Operations Branch personnel who are involved in handling inquiries that are prepared in a foreign language; and all those NPRC employees who are responsible for translating these inquiries (see fig. 1).
5. Instructions. The instructions for processing inquiries that are prepared in a foreign language are contained in the Attachment.
6. Forms. This memorandum makes use of the following form:
Optional Form 41, Routing
and Transmittal Slip
1. Responsibilities of mailroom personnel. Upon receipt of an inquiry that has been prepared in a foreign language, the employees of the Mail and Data Input Section, Military Operations Branch (NRPMO-M); and the employees of the Mail and Data Input Section, Civilian Operations Branch (NRPCO-M) shall review the inquiry and determine if a translation of the inquiry is absolutely necessary. If it appears that the inquiry lacks sufficient identifying information, then the inquiry shall be returned to the requester in accordance with the latest revisions of NPRC 1865.20, Inquiries lacking sufficient identifying information and/or locator data (MPR only); or NPRC 1840.11, Mail coding and routing instructions, ch. 2-2d, (CPR only). The mailroom employee shall consult the supervisor if there is any problem determining if a translation is absolutely necessary.
2. Selecting NPRC translator. If it is determined that a translation is necessary, then mailroom personnel shall consult fig. 1 to see if an NPRC translator is available for the particular language used in the subject inquiry. If an NPRC translator is not available, then see pars. 4 and 5. If a translator is available within NPRC, then the mailroom employee shall:
a. Transmittal form. Prepare an Optional Form 41, Routing and Transmittal Slip, to the translator through the appropriate NPRC branch chief.
b. Photocopies and routing. Photocopy the OF 41 and the inquiry and route the photocopied inquiry to the translator.
NOTE: DO NOT photocopy or transmit inquiry enclosures such as documents or printed material.
c. Suspense file. The photocopy of the OF 41 and the original inquiry, with attached documentation, shall be placed in a suspense file until the return of the completed translation.
d. Notification of delays. If the translation has not been received within the allotted timeframes (see subpar. 3b), then the mailroom employee shall notify his or her supervisor, who will in turn, contact the appropriate branch chief to ascertain the reason for the delay.
3. Responsibilities of NPRC translators and their immediate supervisors. Upon receipt, the immediate supervisor shall assign the inquiry to the employee for translation. The NPRC translator is given off-standard time to complete the translation. Time expended translating inquiries shall be reported using TASK code "TRAO." The translator notes the beginning and ending times of the translation effort on the OF 41. The translation services provided by NPRC employees should not take more than one hour. The immediate supervisor is responsible for the following:
a. Prepared translation. Ensuring that the translation is typed or prepared on a word processor.
b. Turnaround time. Ensuring that the inquiry is returned to the appropriate mailroom within the allotted timeframe. If the inquiry originated in the same building in which the translation occurs, then the translated inquiry is returned within eight (8) working hours. If the inquiry is transmitted between buildings, then the translated inquiry is returned within sixteen (16) working hours.
4. Using the services of NARA employees outside NPRC. If it is determined that a translation is absolutely necessary, and that NPRC does not have an employee available to provide the translation, then the mailroom employee shall forward the inquiry to branch headquarters through the immediate supervisor.
EXCEPTION: If the inquiry is received in NRPMO-M AND is written in Vietnamese, send to NRPCO for action.
The branch headquarters is responsible for the following:
a. Selecting translator. Review the list of translators in fig. 2 and determine if a NARA employee outside of NPRC is available to provide the translation service. Select an employee for the translation.
NOTE: A complete list of NARA employees who translate inquiries prepared in a foreign language is available on the NARA Staff Only page on the NARA Website under Mail, Forms, and Administration (
b. Transmittal of inquiry. Prepare original cover letter and file copy for the branch chief's signature. Address the letter directly to the translator, as shown in fig. 3.
c. Routing. Fax the cover letter and the inquiry to the translator or attach a photocopy of the inquiry to the cover letter and mail to the NARA employee.
NOTE: DO NOT photocopy or transmit inquiry enclosures such as documents or printed material.
d. Suspense file. The file copy of the cover letter and the original inquiry, with attached documentation, shall be placed in a suspense file until the return of the completed translation.
(1) Control log. Maintain a log at the branch level indicating the date and to whom the inquiry was sent. Upon receipt of the translated inquiry, log in the return date.5. Outside Agency sources. When the workload dictates, an outside Agency source shall be used ONLY for the translation of inquiries prepared in Vietnamese.(2) Notification of delays. If the translation has not been returned within four (4) weeks, then the branch chief or designee shall call the translator to ascertain the reason for the delay.
EXCEPTIONS: Consult Chief, Management Systems Staff, for exceptions. If the inquiry is prepared in Vietnamese, process in the following manner:
a. NRPMO-M. Route the inquiry to Civilian Operations Branch (NRPCO).
b. NRPCO-M. Route the inquiry to Branch Headquarters (NRPCO). Branch Headquarters shall prepare original cover letter and file copy for the Branch Chief's signature. (See fig. 4.) Address cover letter to: Vietnamese Lutheran Fellowship, 17 Ponca Trail, Attn: Mr. Chau Vo, Kirkwood, MO 63122.
c. Photocopies and routing. Attach a photocopy of the inquiry to the cover letter and route to the translator.
NOTE: DO NOT photocopy or transmit inquiry enclosures such as documents or printed material.
d. Suspense file. The file copy of the cover letter and the original inquiry, with attached documentation, shall be placed in a suspense file until the return of the completed translation.
e. Notification of delays. If the translation has not been returned within ten (10) working days, then the branch chief or designee shall call the translator to ascertain the reason for the delay.
f. Processing of inquiry and invoice. When the translation and invoice are received, attach the original inquiry to the translation and process in the usual manner. Route the invoice and photocopies of the original inquiry and the translated inquiry to NRPS (Budget) for payment processing.